
Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility.

All young people have the right to be safe and enjoy their hockey. We all have a duty to safeguard and protect young people from harm. All hockey clubs/organisations must have policies and procedures in place to create a safe environment.

Milton Keynes Hockey club adopts England Hockey's Safeguarding Young People in Hockey Policy and Procedures and guidance to ensure that all those in the hockey family have a safe and positive experience.

The policy can be found on the England Hockey website:

England Hockey's Safeguarding Young People in Hockey Policy

SafeGuard has been created to provide role-specific safeguarding information for all involved in hockey activity dependent on their role.

  • Welfare Officer
  • Junior Organiser
  • Parent
  • Coach
  • Young People
  • Umpire/Official
  • Club Committee/Chair
  • Adults on teams with young players

This can also be found on the EH website:
