COVID-19 2 of 3

2. COVID 19 General Information

People in England who test positive for COVID are no longer legally required to self-isolate. However, Government guidance still ‘recommends' adults and children who test positive continue to stay at home and avoid contact with other people. After 5 days, they may choose to take a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) followed by another the next day - if both are negative, and they do not have a temperature, they can safely return to their normal routine.

Therefore, we request that our members continue with regular testing and do not attend any hockey if you are feeling unwell or test positive for COVID. We also request that you do not play until you obtain a negative COVID test as stated above. This is not just for the benefit of those in the club but also for those who have vulnerable family members or colleagues. We are comfortable this is the right approach to protect individuals, our squads, our families and those most vulnerable to COVID-19.

This will be reviewed again when the government takes its next step for removing free COVID tests. Until then, Please continue to self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms and complete a Lateral Flow Test before meeting up with other club members, particularly if you will be mixing indoors.

Covid specific self-assessments

Before attending any activity, all participants should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms. The main symptoms of Covid-19 are:
• a high temperature;
• a new continuous cough; and
• a loss of, or change to, sense of smell of taste.
Participants should consider the health and safety of themselves and others in attendance. If an individual or anyone they live with has Covid-19 symptoms, they should not attend any activity.
• If you have attended a session and then develop coronavirus symptoms, please contact our Covid officer and advise when symptoms started;
• If you have tested positive, contact our club Covid Officer with the date of test; and do not attend any hockey sessions until you test negative.

Venue protocols and safety measures

We have not received any specific instructions from our site manager regarding etiquette on site, so please use your own judgement when moving around site and in the clubhouse to again consider the health and safety of yourselves and others around you.

Respectful practices

Covid created some changes in practices at club level that England Hockey recommends continue:
• Continue to ‘stick tap’ as an alternative to shaking hands;
• Spitting is discouraged, particularly given the risk of infection; and
• Be mindful of your distance and shouting to communicate, especially with officials.

Face coverings

Although no longer required, it is expected and recommend that individuals wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed settings. Please use your judgement for your own personal preference and be considerate to those of others whose preference differs to your own. Face coverings should not generally be worn during strenuous activity.


There is no longer a requirement to keep two metres (or one metre plus) distance from anyone outside of your household group. This removes the restrictions on changing rooms, clubhouses, hospitality, and domestic travel.

We do however ask that you use your own judgement and decide between yourselves on your preferred arrangements for car sharing. Please be considerate to each other’s views and accommodate accordingly.

Thank you again for your efforts to keep out members safe so that we can keep playing the sport we all enjoy!

If you have any questions, please contact our Covid Officer by EMAIL.